Actress: Nicole, Saori Kido. Title and Studio: Returned banquet newmfx

Actress: Nicole, Saori Kido. Title and Studio: Returned banquet newmfx

Saori has prepared a lunch banquet to greet her friend Nicole! It has pasta, coke, fruit, cake and lots of whipped cream, so they can eat until they can’t take it anymore. And that’s exactly what they do! These two don’t stop eating food while they chat, and although everything is delicious, their stomachs can’t stand everything and Nicole ends up vomiting. Saori also returns the food soon after, and these two continue to eat and vomit throughout the movie. Excited and horny with the moment, they take off their clothes and start rubbing themselves full of vomit, with Saori licking the remains of food on her friend’s body and them both masturbating deliciously in the end. So amazing!…

Actress: Nicole, Saori Kido. Title and Studio: Returned banquet newmfx

Actress: Nicole, Saori Kido. Title and Studio: Returned banquet newmfx

Actress: Nicole, Saori Kido. Title and Studio: Returned banquet newmfx

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