Actress: Nicole and Pamela. Title and Studio: You are our human ashtray! Open your mouth! Licking Girls Feet

Actress: Nicole and Pamela. Title and Studio: You are our human ashtray! Open your mouth! Licking Girls Feet

Nicole and Pamela like to have a conversation along with nice relaxing smoke. Whenever they smoke, they have their loyal slave woman marina waiting near them on her knees to serve them as their human ashtray. The slave woman will savour the ashes from the cigarettes of both the Mistress. The womans exhale the cigarette smoke in her face and use her as their spittoon. Slave woman should work hard to impress her Mistresses by swallowing all the ash and spit the womans feed her. Both Nicole and Pamela use her as a dirty little ashtray that she is. The fun doesn’t stop there as the womans make her chew and swallow their cigarette buds.

Actress: Nicole and Pamela. Title and Studio: You are our human ashtray! Open your mouth! Licking Girls Feet

Actress: Nicole and Pamela. Title and Studio: You are our human ashtray! Open your mouth! Licking Girls Feet

Actress: Nicole and Pamela. Title and Studio: You are our human ashtray! Open your mouth! Licking Girls Feet

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