Actress: Jade, Mallory, Daisy. Title and Studio: Mac outings Fetish-Memoirs

Actress: Jade, Mallory, Daisy. Title and Studio: Mac outings Fetish-Memoirs

Jade is in black and playing around on the fountain. Mallory is in bright red and down among the sun dunes and Daisy is in a long clear mac and black boots and climbing all over the canon.

Four ladies dressed in bright red rainwear and very gorgeous they are too. Jade is in a very glamorous bright red short trench coat which is belted and buttoned around her and coupled with heeled black and white short spotted boots she looks absolutely wonderful. Kiti is in a see thru hooded red mac and little else and when tightly hooded she only looks better and better. Astrid is fully dressed in red with a full length belted trench coat, boots and gloves and she has with her a red rain hat and red umbrella. When her hat has been added to her outfit and her umbrella has been opened, there is nothing else that could make a rain wear lady look any better. It is also all red for Maria, but this time it is a long see thru red trench coat over her red lingerie with red short rubber boots and rubber gloves, a red rain hat and again an umbrella. With the mac open and closed she looks stunning showing off her body and when fully covered and a open umbrella always adds that special touch, even when indoors.
Three ladies enjoying outings in their macs and boots. Jade is wearing a long black see thru mac and black Hunter boots and she is climbing all over the water fountain and then sits herself down on the top and kicks her legs into the air, a great way to show off her boots. Mallory is fully dressed in a bright red buttoned and belted mac hooded mac with Dunlop red wellies and red gloves and she is making her way through the sand dunes, she then hoods herself and ends up balancing on the concrete parapet. Daisy is out in the sun in a long see thru hooded mac with black, boots, gloves and a very wide and tight belt. She is very happy to be able to climb all over the canon again and when sitting astride the canon she tightly hoods herself including pulling the hood down over her face.

Actress: Jade, Mallory, Daisy. Title and Studio: Mac outings Fetish-Memoirs

Actress: Jade, Mallory, Daisy. Title and Studio: Mac outings Fetish-Memoirs

Actress: Jade, Mallory, Daisy. Title and Studio: Mac outings Fetish-Memoirs

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