Actress: Christy Berrie. Title and Studio: Good Boy Porn Addict

Actress: Christy Berrie. Title and Studio: Good Boy Porn Addict

Porn controls your life like I’m controlling your cock right now. Is it still indulging when you spend so many hours of your life tugging your cock? you’re a porn addict and that makes you a very good boy. you hate that it controls you life but you cannot stop stroking to Me. you’ve never been so attached to something like you are with porn. you need it, you love it. Porn is the only way you get to tug it for all of us unattainable women. You sit alone hate fucking your hand and you still can’t stop. I dont want you to stop. Good boys dont ever stop! This is the best part of your life and you will not try to quit porn again. you need porn, you need ME! Porn is better than sex, porn is better than life. This is your real life. A good boy addicted to porn. You love being My good boy, porn addicted, cum eater!

Actress: Christy Berrie. Title and Studio: Good Boy Porn Addict

Actress: Christy Berrie. Title and Studio: Good Boy Porn Addict

Actress: Christy Berrie. Title and Studio: Good Boy Porn Addict

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